WeWALK Smart Cane

AED 3,830

Revolutionary Features of WeWALK Smart Cane and App

  • Obstacle Detection :Detect obstacle above chest level. Keep social distance with other easily thanks to this feature.
  • One-hand Free :Pair your phone with WeWALK and control it over WeWALK’s touchpad. With this, you will be able to reach all features while your phone is in your pocket.
  • Blind Friendly Navigation :WeWALK offers you a unique experience with clock wise, turn by turn navigation options. You are also able to adjust the text size and screen colors based on your choice.
  • What’s Around Me :Learn the popular places around you such as restaurants, cafes and shops just a click.
  • Public Transportation :Bus stops, timetables and more is on your cane now. All you need to do is entering “nearby stops” on the menu.
  • Voice Assistant :WeWALK is ready to take commands from you. Say where you want to go and WeWALK assistant takes you there!

Technical Specs

  • Connectivity : Connects to Smart Phones via Bluetooth 4.2 – Android 4.4 and iOS 10 and above
  • Control :Gestures via WeWALK touchpad
  • Weight: Smart cane handle weight: approximately 252 grams (0.55 pounds)
  • Smart cane handle weight with graphite cane: 360 – 370 grams  (0.80 pounds) Smart cane handle weight with cane will vary depending on cane size ordered.
  • Battery : Battery life up top 20 hours – According to the frequency of use
  • Multilanguage Support : English, French, Italian, German, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish and Arabic

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WeWALK Smart Cane

WeWALK acts as a new handle when attached to any long cane and was designed to feel natural, allowing for normal cane usage. When walking, WeWALK vibrates to inform you of low-hanging obstacles that the bottom of a cane may typically miss, such as a sign or tree branch. Additionally, pair your cane to the WeWALK app on your iOS or Android device via Bluetooth to make use of WeWALK’s smart features.


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